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Finding Your Why: It’s Not How You Think

It’s in our nature to seek purpose in life, the underlying ‘why’ in everything we do - some of us come by it naturally, some are searching their entire lives. It can sometimes be like shopping for that perfect pair of jeans, when you’re desperately looking, you never find them.

Your why, or purpose, is not something you just find one day, it’s a daily practice. Intentionally living the values that make you who you are and who you want to be. The practice of these values will keep you on a path and allow you to interact with others in a way that will keep you focused as you navigate the ups, downs and sideroads of life, and will eventually lead you to recognize and double down on what truly lights you up inside.

So stop searching, and relax into just living as the person you want to be. Need help getting started? Take our quiz to identify your core values and the key words that will remind you to live them every day. Once you know your legacy type, sign up for personalized notes each Sunday that help keep you on track one week at a time.

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