Styling Your Signet Part 1 - Three Fundamental Rules

Style is ultimately a personal choice however most eye-catching looks start with a fundamental set of rules. These rules establish the foundation upon which you can build your own ideas, personality and taste. Here is our advice for styling the perfect ring handscape that makes your signature style shine.
Rule 1: Side By Side
Use the buddy system. Pair up 2 or 3 for a simple or streamlined look. Go big with 4 or even 5 in a row for a full-metal glow that will get you noticed.

Rule 2: Skip Two
Stay socially distanced. For a balanced composition that still reads modern, try skipping 2 fingers between rings. That means Pinky + Pointer, or Ring + Thumb.

Rule 3: Solo
Grab some alone time. What better way to make a style impact by flying your favourite ring solo? It doesn’t matter the finger however to make a stylish solitary statement it helps to feature a ring that has an interesting shape, sparkle or story.
The perfect handscape has many other considerations of course, including texture, finish, scale and sparkle. Stay tuned for more styling tips to guide you in adding to your collection.
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Shiny Things